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217 Term(s) Found

Vitamin E

  • Assessment
  • Implementation
  • Planning
  • All micronutrient interventions
  • Biochemical
  • Diet
A fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin which neutralises free radicals and protects tissues and organs from oxidative damage. It is incorporated into cell membranes, modulates expression of various genes, has a role in neurological function, cell signalling, inhibits platelet aggregation, enhances vasodilation and can modulate the immune response.


OpeN-Global, 2028

Vitamin K

  • Assessment
  • Implementation
  • Planning
  • All micronutrient interventions
  • Biochemical
  • Diet
A fat-soluble vitamin which functions as a co-enzyme during the synthesis of several proteins involved in the coagulation process. Importantly, these proteins include prothrombin. In individuals with vitamin K deficiency, the “prothrombin time” increases, and in severe cases can lead to haemorrhage. Vitamin K is also important for the and in the metabolism of bone.


OpeN-Global, 2029

Voluntary fortification

  • Implementation
  • Planning
  • Fortification
The type of fortification, for which there are standards but that is not mandatory for the food industry to apply. However, the industry must comply with standards to claim that their products are fortified.


USAID (2022). Large-Scale Food Fortification Programming Guide.


  • Monitoring & Evaluation
  • Demand-side
A writ directing or authorizing someone to do an act, especially one directing a law enforcer to make an arrest, a search, or a seizure.


Black’s Law Dictionary, Eleventh Edition, (2019).

Young child

  • Implementation
  • Planning
  • All micronutrient interventions
A child aged between one and three years.


The Regulation (EU) No 609/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council.


  • Implementation
  • Planning
  • All micronutrient interventions
There is no universally agreed international definition of the youth age group and this group is considered as the period of transition from the dependence of childhood to adulthood’s independence. For statistical purposes, however, the United Nations, without prejudice to any other definitions made by Member Statesm, defines ‘youth’ as those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years.


The United Nations: Peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet


  • Assessment
  • Implementation
  • Planning
  • All micronutrient interventions
  • Biochemical
  • Diet
Zinc forms the catalytic centre of >100 enzymes and is a key element for human health. Zinc is one of the most abundant elements in the human body and has a key role in growth, development and immunity. Inadequate zinc intakes put children at risk of stunting, morbidity and mortality from infections and non-communicable diseases, as well as less completed schooling and a higher risk of living in poverty as adults – making zinc a key nutrient for Global Health.


OpeN-Global, 2029